Developing Kingdom Leaders – Tom Yeakley

Taking the Mystery out of Leadership

Archive for the month “February, 2014”

Safe and Secure

Romans 8:1-39


Security is found not in the absence of danger, but in the presence of the Lord.  Once we have trusted Christ and become a member of God’s family, he promises never to leave us.  Nothing will separate us from him; we are safe and secure in his care.


Jesus promises to be with us forever.  Though we still encounter trials and difficulties, he will be with us in the midst of them.  We need not fear that he will forsake or abandon us.  He will be faithful to us, even if we are unfaithful.  What amazing love!


1.      God will never leave us!  What is said in the following passages about God’s commitment to us? — Matthew 28:20; John 10:27-30


2.      One person plus God is a majority.  What do the following passages say about the security we have in the presence of God? — Romans 8:31; Hebrews 13:5-6


Question to ponder:  How does the fact of Christ’s presence with you always affect your daily attitude and activities?


Passages for further study:

Proverbs 3:23-26

2 Timothy 2:11-13

A New Creation!

2 Corinthians 5:1-21

Joy and Amy were scared as they knocked on the door.  They had never shared the gospel before and now was their opportunity.  Perhaps Holly wouldn’t be home, they hoped secretly.  But, Holly greeted them warmly at the door and they entered her room.

As the two women began to explain the details of the Good News, Holly began to cry.  Never having experienced anything like this, they looked at one another wondering if they had somehow offended Holly.  In a voice choked with emotion, Holly asked, “Is this the gospel?”  They swallowed hard and responded affirmatively.

“Oh, this is wonderful,” Holly exclaimed!  This morning I was going to leave my apartment to visit my family.  But, I had a feeling that I should wait here in my room for something important to happen.  So, I’ve been waiting all day.  And now here you are!

“In high school,” Holly continued, “I noticed some others who were very happy and they seemed to talk a lot about the ‘gospel.’  But they never told me what it was.  So, for the past three years, I have been praying for God to show me what the ‘gospel’ means.  And now, today, God has brought you to me so that I can know what this is!  This is great!”

Joy and Amy had the privilege of introducing Holly to the Savior that afternoon.  God had obviously prepared her heart to respond to the message.  There are many around each of us whom God has prepared, but we must deliver the message.  We must be a verbal witness, as well as witnessing with our lives.

Who has God placed in your life for you to introduce to him?  Many are sincerely seeking answers and waiting for an explanation!  Why not pray and ask God for an opportunity to share with them today?  You’ll see God opening doors of opportunity for you too!

Additional References:  John 3:3,5; Acts 16:31

Doesn’t God Grade on the Curve?

Acts 16:1-40

I was in my third year at college, sitting in a dorm lobby when I noticed another student.  I hadn’t seen him since seventh grade and did not even know he attended Florida State.  We began to catch up when his date arrived.  As we parted, he handed me a small booklet, saying, “I’m sorry I haven’t got time to explain this to you.  Please read it; the message in here changed my life!”

I accepted the booklet and stuffed it into my pocket as my date arrived.  Before the movie started that evening, I retrieved the booklet and began to read.  For the first time I understood that I personally had done things that were displeasing to God and that I would be punished because of my wrongs.  Until that night I thought that God would grade my life on the curve and that I would be in the upper percentiles.  That night I understood that life is pass-fail and that I had failed.

As I read on I understood that God loved me so much that he accepted my punishment instead—he died for me–and that I needed to believe in Christ as my personal Savior.  There in the theater I prayed, asking God to forgive me and accepting Christ as my Savior–and I was saved from my eternal punishment.  Like the Philippian jailer, I too had come to become a member of God’s family.

I have not seen the student who gave me the booklet since that evening.  He entered my life for a brief time and was kind enough to share Christ with me–one simply waiting for a clear explanation.  Who is it in your life that God has prepared for you to share Christ with?  Why not share with them today?

Additional References:  John 1:12; Romans 5:22; Romans 10:11-15

Instant is Too Slow

Genesis 6:5 – 7:6

We have ten minute oil changes, four minute microwave popcorn, three minute ATM transactions, and one minute news breaks.  Fast food has to be ready when we place our order or we begin to get impatient.  Any line longer than two people is intolerable.  Customer service representatives often hear the complaint, “I want it yesterday!”  Instant is too slow!

What a contrast God’s timetable is to ours.  From the time Noah was given the promise about the flood until the rain began to fall he had to wait a long time (perhaps as much as one-hundred and twenty years–compare Genesis 5:32, 6:3 and 7:6).  From the time the rain started until his family left the ark Noah waited another year inside the closed ark (compare Genesis 7:11 and 8:14).  Abraham waited 25 years for his promised son to be born.  The Israelites waited seven days for the walls of Jericho to fall.  We all have been waiting 2000+ years for the second coming of Christ.

Our problem is patience—or the lack thereof.  We don’t want to wait for anything.  We pray and if the answer isn’t on our doorstep within a day or two we give up.   But God works on a different timetable. “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness” (2 Peter 3:8-9).

As Noah waited those many years for the first raindrop to fall, no doubt he was subject to times of doubt.  But he remained obedient to all God had told him (Genesis 7:5).  For God had promised and he took him at his word.  It was not a matter of if, but when.

What answers to prayer are you currently waiting for?  Does God seem to take intolerably long to answer?  Wait on God.  Don’t give up.  God will answer in his perfect timing.  “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised (Hebrews 10:36).

A Deeper Look

Psalm 37:7; Luke 18:1; Romans 8:25

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